The process began in 2006. It was just an idea. As an ensemble, my band was fundamentally sound. However, our sight reading competition results did not reflect the excellence of our ensemble. The answer to this problem was simple. We needed to go through the process of sight reading on a more regular basis. This answer introduced another problem. What could we read? I had exhausted the resources of our library. I could borrow music from a nearby school. Once we had the music to read, we now had to hand the music out to the ensemble, read it, collect it, put it in score order, and refile (or return it). This is a very time consuming approach.
Enter the Something To Read. Something To Read is a book which contains 50 fully scored pieces of music for concert band. The pieces are only 36 measures in length. A director who chooses to use this book is able to sight read a piece 50 times during the school year without having to dig the the music library or borrow music for sight reading. The results are excellent. My ensemble began to achieve superior ratings at sight reading competition. Your band can experience these results too. The cost of these books is much less than purchasing an equal quantity of music to read (based upon the number of total measures).
Student books are $9.95 and the Conductor book is $42.00.
Contact C and J Music today to place an order!